FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - Frequently asked questions for freelancers
Overview of the most frequently asked questions. If this is your first time registering at Free Agents™, or if its the first time you've accepted a job, read the below carefully.
How does the process work with Free Agents™?
The process at Free Agents™ for you as a freelancer is simple. When you are added to a job opportunity, you will receive an email notification. Here you can say yes or no to be considered for the role. If you answer yes, you give us the opportunity to present your profile to the customer. Therefore, it is also important that your profile is up to date. By replying yes, you also give Free Agents™ an allowance to sharing your profile information with the client. If you are offered the role, you will receive a consultant agreement by Free Agents™.
We made this short video to give you an overview of the process at Free Agents™.
How do I get offered a job?
When you are added to a job opportunity, you will receive a mail notification. Here you can say yes or no to being considered for the role. If you answer yes, we have the opportunity to present you to the customer. From here, the next step will most often be a meeting with the customer. Make sure your profile is up to date and fits the task – you're responsible for your brand and for appearing professional.
Can I apply for jobs?
You cannot apply for specific roles. That's why it's important to fill in your profile as truthfully as possible so that it's easy for Free Agents™' consultants to match your profile with a given role. You can keep an eye out for various open roles on LinkedIn.
How do I create a Free Agents™ profile?
You can easily create a profile on our platform. You only need to follow this link:
Who can see my profile?
When you create a profile, only the Free Agents team™ has access to your information. If you accept a freelance opportunity, the information you have filled in on your profile will be shared with the given client.
How is my profile approved?
After you create a profile, it typically takes a few days before one of Free Agents™’ consultants has screened and approved your profile. If your profile lacks significant information that affects the screening, your profile will not be approved.
We approve virtually everyone who fills in their profile fully and who at the same time provides a well-defined service. We reserve the right to assess the individual profile in addition to these guidelines.
Can I create a Free Agents™ profile even if I'm in a permanent job?
Yes, you can. Even if you have a permanent job, you can take some extra freelance hours on the side if a good opportunity presents itself.
How much does it cost to create a profile?
Creating a profile or receiving a job opportunity on Free Agents™ costs nothing. Likewise, there is no administration fee when you get hired through Free Agents™.
Do I get a pension?
Normally, no pension is paid under freelance contracts.
Do I get paid when ill?
Normally, wages are not paid during illness under freelance contracts. This is offset by monthly hourly counting.
What do I commit to when signing up?
You don't commit to anything. It is completely free and simply gives you the opportunity to be contacted if a relevant role matching your profile shows up. When this happens, you will receive an email notification. In addition, there may be some service messages sent to your e-mail from Free Agents™.
How is invoicing and payment carried out?
When you get a freelance job, you will be hired through Free Agents™. Therefore, Free Agents™ is responsible for the payment of your fee and you will be contractually bound to Free Agents™. You will send an invoice with a statement of fees for the assignment within 14 days of the end of the month to Free Agents™.
What should I do if the job does not live up to my expectations?
Normally, the agreement may be terminated by either party with a notice of 14 days. Termination takes place written and counts from the time the termination arrives at the recipient. The consultant is entitled to the fee for the consultancy services during the notice period to the extent that they are finalized.
How do I determine my salary?
While it may be tempting to start by underselling yourself when embarking on a freelance career, you shouldn't. Set a competitive salary based on your qualifications. Take a look at your work experience and expertise in the industry, consider the types of similar jobs you've done, the results you've produced, and the typical levels of salary in your industry. Remember also to include the extra costs you account for in a freelance career, e.g., pension, illness, vacation, etc.
Do I need a VAT number?
Yes. As a consultant, you are self-employed and are therefore not considered an employee in any way. Therefore, you undertake to be registered with a VAT number. You can take interviews and work towards a freelance job without a VAT number – it's easy to set up quickly if you're offered an opportunity.
Do I need insurance as a freelancer?
Yes. As a consultant, you must maintain adequate insurance cover for the liability that you take during the contract period with an insurance sum of at least DKK 5,000/SEK 6,800 per claim.
When will I get my salary paid?
You will receive payment at the end of each month and no later than 14 days after the company has received the full amount from the client.
How do I get holiday pay, weekend allowances, maternity leave, etc?
Free Agents™ is only for candidates who have their own VAT number. If you wish to save for a pension, holiday pay, health insurance and the like, you should set up such schemes yourself.
If you are on the lookout for some advice on how to succeed as a freelancer, we have gathered 6 tips that you can go through and use as guidelines.
You can also take a look at our blog where you will find exciting and relevant interviews with other freelancers, blog posts about tips for freelancers as well as the latest news, perspectives, and insights from the freelance, Marcom, digital, and tech industry.
If you have any questions that are not answered above, you are always welcome to send an email to freeagents@freeagents.network.